

Soul Bound Tokens

We discussed a few concepts in the Soul Bound Tokens white paper.- Present Web 3.0 is laid on Transferable assets than relationships of Trust (Defi etc)

The concept of Soul was introduced in the paper to reflect an individual's credentials (Education etc), affiliations, and commitments across various spectrums of life, and the individual is issued Soul Tokens (By Individuals, Organizations) which are nontransferable, but revocable by the issuer.

An NFT is transferable, but SBT is not Transferable (This is the most important difference).Through SBTs, the paper discusses creating a Decentralized Society (DeSoc) which consists of Souls + Communities that are plural networks.

Don't worry if this sounds too theoretical or philosophical, we will unravel this in the coming sessions.


Soul Bound Tokens Copy 2

We discussed a few concepts in the Soul Bound Tokens white paper.- Present Web 3.0 is laid on Transferable assets than relationships of Trust (Defi etc)

The concept of Soul was introduced in the paper to reflect an individual's credentials (Education etc), affiliations, and commitments across various spectrums of life, and the individual is issued Soul Tokens (By Individuals, Organizations) which are nontransferable, but revocable by the issuer.

An NFT is transferable, but SBT is not Transferable (This is the most important difference).Through SBTs, the paper discusses creating a Decentralized Society (DeSoc) which consists of Souls + Communities that are plural networks.

Don't worry if this sounds too theoretical or philosophical, we will unravel this in the coming sessions.


Soul Bound Tokens Copy

We discussed a few concepts in the Soul Bound Tokens white paper.- Present Web 3.0 is laid on Transferable assets than relationships of Trust (Defi etc)

The concept of Soul was introduced in the paper to reflect an individual's credentials (Education etc), affiliations, and commitments across various spectrums of life, and the individual is issued Soul Tokens (By Individuals, Organizations) which are nontransferable, but revocable by the issuer.

An NFT is transferable, but SBT is not Transferable (This is the most important difference).Through SBTs, the paper discusses creating a Decentralized Society (DeSoc) which consists of Souls + Communities that are plural networks.

Don't worry if this sounds too theoretical or philosophical, we will unravel this in the coming sessions.